Gulf of WTF?!

Today, DT stated that he’s going to change the name of the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America. Gut punch to this geography minor who loves place names, and who happened to work in the Gulf of Mexico. I must gather my internal resources and practice up in preparation for his return to office.

To some he’s on the fascist path, which ain’t great, but to a lot of us, he’s a perpetrator. Having to listen to and watch a convicted abuser be given credence and respect is hard for survivors.

And I know changing the name of a body of water is a complete sideshow, but it feels like a harbinger of I’m-not-ready. I’ll try using my driving mantra that helped rid me of road rage. When someone does something dangerous or stupid or wrong, I shrug and say, “That’s one way to do it.”

I’m already living in the Gulf of America – a low spot that’s going to suck more soon.

Sending strength and waders.

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